Product Vision and Strategy
Digital Branding
Interaction Design
App Development

Empowering carers and combating loneliness with a tech-driven solution

Experience Design
Software Engineering

Build a platform to help facilitate companionship for people who need it most.

Employee sign ups
Customer Satisfactory Score (CSAT)
Retention rate

Companiions is an on-demand support app that offers a unique employee benefit, enabling companies to differentiate themselves in the market and attract and retain talent. The app helps employees with various needs, such as childcare, elder care, mental health challenges, cancer relief, household tasks, disabilities, sickness and operations, deliveries, pickups, and dog walking.

Companiions needed a brand identity, website and an Android and iOS functioning app, that allowed users to easily and safely book companion appointments, leave reviews and use an instant messaging service.

The app needed to work for two different types of users – the person seeking companionship and the person wanting to sign up to become a companion, and create a profile. It had complex functionality requirements. This included the ability to search for companions in your local area, a check-in system, an interface that allows family members/friends to see real-time updates on how their loved one is doing and in-app chat functionality.

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Our collaboration with Companiions began with the creation of a distinctive brand identity that encapsulates the essence of the company's mission. The two "i''s in the Companiions logo symbolise individuals looking out for each other, reflecting the company's core values of companionship and support. With the brand guidelines established, we assembled a dedicated team to bring the vision of the Companiions mobile app to life.

Using an agile, sprint-based development approach, we prioritised rapid iteration and continuous stakeholder feedback. Our team focused on delivering key app functionalities in incremental stages, enabling stakeholders to experience and evaluate the app throughout its development.

To achieve efficiency and quality, we utilised React Native as our development framework. React Native enabled us to build robust, cross-platform applications using JavaScript while harnessing native UI elements to deliver the polished user experience that consumers demand.

Development began with the implementation of essential features, including user registration and booking functionality. We then expanded the app's capabilities by integrating features such as user reviews, push notifications, secure payment processing, and cross-platform video calling.

Our goal was to swiftly bring the app to market, enabling Companiions to validate the concept with real users and gather valuable feedback. Through our agile and collaborative approach, we successfully launched the Companiions app on the App Store within a 6-8 month timeframe, marking a significant milestone in our partnership.

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The Companiions app offers a user-friendly experience, allowing employees to activate the app, book companions, schedule visits, specify needs, communicate via chat or video, make peer-to-peer payments, access discounts, and leave reviews. Security is paramount, so we implemented robust vetting checks and selfie-based face liveness to verify users' identities.

We launched a marketing campaign to promote the app and monitored user interactions to identify areas for improvement. We streamlined registration, enhanced user experience, and added features like live video calling. Companiions has seen significant growth, launching a B2B service model, securing major investment, and achieving an 85% retention rate with a per-employee-per-annum pricing model.

We invested in Companiions and remain involved in its development, leveraging our expertise in mobile app development to contribute to its mission of making a positive impact on people's lives.