User Research
Business Analysis
Product Vision and Strategy
Service Design
Customer Portals
Website Development

Improving perception and driving sales for high-end new build properties

Experience Design
End-to-End Agile Delivery

Our primary objective was to increase the conversion rate and generate more leads for the sales and marketing team.

Conversion rate
Time to deliver

We did this by enhancing the user experience for potential customers seeking to purchase a new home, across various ownership types, and at every stage of the process.

Based on data analysis and behavioural analytics, we identified that the home page, development, and plot pages were underperforming. As these pages were critical in the user journey to making an enquiry, we were brought on board to provide UX and UI design support to complement the internal efforts. We focused on these pages to increase conversions quickly, given their proximity to the enquiry stage.

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Transform the Persona Homes online sales journey by introducing simplicity and transparency, to drive leads and conversions.

This shared goal worked really well in aligning teams and decision making.

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“One of the key reasons for this success is the way Parallax are able to work collaboratively with the in house product and development teams. They seamlessly integrate with the team making it feel like one team with clear responsibilities, deliverables and milestones to meet”
Jo Hamilton
Head of Digital
To build a comprehensive understanding of user needs, market trends, and friction points, we ran a collaborative UX workshop with senior stakeholders. This workshop enabled us to gain valuable insights that informed our optimisation strategy and allowed us to focus on areas with significant impact.

To deliver value quickly, we began by revamping the homepage design and storytelling to establish Persona Homes as a credible and supportive home builder, clearly communicating their value proposition and organisational purpose.

We developed five distinct work streams that addressed different user needs and pain points. These included tools to retain users on the site, and informative content on the aftercare process. By covering a broad range of user requirements, we were able to create a seamless user experience that addressed users' needs from initial enquiry to aftercare.

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We used an agile framework to improve the user experience. By understanding user needs and those of sales and marketing teams, we created effective content and functionality roadmaps.

We broke down work streams into actionable next steps to improve primary metrics, time on page, and pages visited. To increase conversions, we overhauled the development and plot pages, refining content, introducing new interface layouts, and simplifying the enquiry journey.

We’re continuing to work closely with Persona Homes to improve their customer experience, we’re currently building an after sales portal so that customers can access all their documents, report any issues and in the build up to moving in; get updates on how things are progressing.

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