Business Analysis
Product Vision and Strategy
Digital Branding
Interaction Design
Content Design
Website Development

Transforming one of Europe's fastest growing companies

Experience Design
Software Engineering

Create a market leading brand and digital presence to drive sales leads.

Revenue growth since digital transformation

SmartSearch operates in the Anti-Money Laundering REGTECH sector, protecting clients from fraud and ensuring they comply with the latest AML regulations. As a regulated sector, many types of organisations are required to carry out electronic AML searches on their clients.

SmartSearch has a great team and a highly-functional product that made it easy for their customers to comply with the latest AML regulations. However, the brand and product interface was dated, the website confusing to use, and conversions were expensive as a result of an underperforming PPC campaign.

After spending time with the SmartSearch team, it was clear that their brand wasn’t representative of who they were. The existing brand made the company look corporate and didn’t reflect their culture or the businesses they work with. Nor did it promote the product as effectively as it could have.

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We devised and rolled-out a comprehensive digital strategy that modernised the car parking business and resulted in significant growth, new parking location launches and near doubling of profits since we started.

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We created a brand identity that matched the values of SmartSearch perfectly. A careful balance of professional, reassuring and personable, it was designed to humanise the company while presenting them as a serious player in the REGTECH industry.

The design, tone of voice, illustration and photography was all created to achieve this goal. This was rolled out across all online and offline touchpoints, from email signatures and advertising mediums to explainer animations.

Building a website to drive awareness and convert

The website needed to provide a great user experience to visitors but ultimately, it needed to drive sales leads to the business. To do this, we carefully planned the content and architecture to grow organic search traffic and improve the effectiveness of paid media and campaigns. Each user flow was carefully considered and helped lead to the key conversion driver to book a demo. Subtle animations and content were designed to create an engaging experience, encouraging users to learn more about the product and nurture them throughout their journey. Content and landing pages were created specifically to target major search terms, appearing on relevant search engine result pages and bringing in relevant traffic that would convert.

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We carried out workshops and research to get to the root of their culture and values, learning why customers choose SmartSearch over competitors and what makes their product so appealing.

Personas and user stories were established to represent their core customer groups, allowing us to understand their individual needs and empathise with their problems. This allowed us to create a brand and content strategy that would resonate and get results.

Product overhaul to modernise the interface

The product is the most crucial part of what SmartSearch offers. We painstakingly evaluated their existing product, whilst becoming experts on AML, and carefully redesigned the UX and UI to modernise and to match it to the new brand identity. We made subtle usability changes, being careful not to affect the experience for the existing user base.

The result is a familiar but new and beautiful end product that’s a joy to use on all types of devices. For the first time, users can carry out AML checks on the move in the browser or on the updated mobile app available on iOS.

Expansion into the massive USA market

The UK is one of the most regulated financial industries in the world and SmartSearch is a leader in AML verification. They spotted an opportunity to launch their product in the USA, giving them a massive new marketplace to drive customer growth.

To test the waters, we created a dedicated microsite with content specifically tailored to US audiences, promoting a lite version of the product. This launch was a huge success, and now a full USA website is being built with the product features that will give SmartSearch an edge in the USA.

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“Working with Parallax has been a great experience throughout. From day one, they’ve helped us navigate through all areas of our brand transformation. They’ve delivered great results and we’re all immensely proud of the outcome.”
James Dobson
Marketing Director